Experience the magic of its festivals and traditions.

Valle del Cauca: cradle of unique celebrations

Where culture and joy never stop

Land of cultural festivals and festivals of Valle del Cauca

Valle del Cauca is synonymous with joy and celebration. This region, with unparalleled cultural diversity, is home to some of Colombia’s most iconic festivals and celebrations. From the Cali Fair to the Pacific Music Festival, each event reflects the passion, talent and pride of its people. Come and let yourself be infected by the festive spirit of Valle del Cauca!

It is no secret that Valle del Cauca is one of the most dynamic and vibrant areas of Colombia, as evidenced by the more than 150 festivals and cultural events held there. These are festivities that attest to the customs and traditions, as well as its natural wealth and diversity of climates, geography and landscapes.

These are some of the main celebrations in Valle del Cauca:

Cali Fair

It is almost a law to start this top with the top event in the capital of the Valley. This fair, magnificent evidence of Cali’s cultural identity, is held every year and attracts hundreds of thousands of people between December 25 and 30. It is an event that represents the feelings of millions of Cali people through salsa, dance and culture.

Petronio Álvarez Pacific Music Festival

The Afro-Colombian heritage is the protagonist in this ancestral festival, the most important in Latin America. It pays tribute to the cultural richness of the Afro-descendant communities in the area. Within the framework of this festival, all kinds of events are held, including music, food, traditional beverages, as well as the ancestral knowledge of the communities of the Colombian Pacific. It takes place during the month of August and lasts 5 days.

Andean Music Festival “Mono Núñez”.

It is the most important event of Colombian Andean music and one of the best of its kind in this part of the continent. With nothing more and nothing less than 47 years of realization in the municipality of Geneva, this festival was declared Cultural Heritage of the Nation in 2003 and offers for 4 days in June a space of fusion between tradition and modernity, demonstrating the musical quality of the performers and composers.

World Salsa Festival

This festival brings the world to Cali and provides an immersive salsa experience for 4 exciting days in October for visitors and locals alike. It is an event in which you can receive dance classes, access to salsotecas, old clubs and gastronomic areas, and also have the opportunity to witness the great world competition of the Festival and make visible the local musical talent.

Seville Bandola Festival

It is undoubtedly one of the most prestigious events in the country, with an uninterrupted trajectory since 1996. What began as a humble gathering of friends is today the great celebration of the municipality of Sevilla, one that has come to receive up to 20 thousand people from all parts of the country. This festival creates a cultural space to facilitate the union, exaltation and massification of the different musical genres of Colombia, through the exchange of music and culture.



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